element the Swapper is in.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.UCaseTag
Alter the body content.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.TrimTag
Alter the body content.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
Alter the body content.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ScrambleTag
Alter the body content.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReverseTag
Alter the body content.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag
Alter the body content.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.LCaseTag
Alter the body content.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ICaseTag
Alter the body content.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.EntityEncodeTag
Alter the body content.
doAfterBody() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.AbbreviateTag
Alter the body content.
doBypass(ServletRequest) -
Method in interface javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityBypassCheck
This method, when implemented, should return true if the filter should
allow the request anyway, effectively bypassing itself.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.UCaseTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.TrimTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ScrambleTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReverseTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.LCaseTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ICaseTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.EntityEncodeTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.AbbreviateTag
Render the altered body.
doEndTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
Render widget code.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.URLRedirectFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.SessionInactivityFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.RequestRecorderFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.ElapsedTimeFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CrossSiteScriptingFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CacheControlFilter
Do filter's work.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
Do filter's work.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.TextReturnerServlet
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.RedirectReturnerServlet
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.TextReturnerServlet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.RedirectReturnerServlet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxManualTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEventTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEnableTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.SubstrCountTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StripCharsTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StringContentValidTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.ReplaceSubstrTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.PrintPageTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.MaximizeWindowTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LocateSelectValueTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LayerCenterTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.JSDigesterTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.GetParamsTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FullTrimTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FormToXMLTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.DisableRightClickTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.DateDifferenceTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.CreateBookmarkTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.CookieFunctionsTag
Render the results of the tag.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
Render widget code.
doStartTag() -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
Render widget code.
dummy -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
This field is soley to get rid of a CheckStyle complaint.
- ElapsedTimeFilter - class javawebparts.filter.ElapsedTimeFilter.
- This filter writes to the log a message at the end of every request to
show the elapsed time for the request.
- ElapsedTimeFilter() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.ElapsedTimeFilter
- elementRefFromAjaxRef(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method takes an ajaxRef (which is assumed to be in the correct
format) and returns just the element's ajaxRef.
- elements -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Elements defined for this form.
- encodeEntities(String, String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.core.JWPHelpers
- This method replaces any character in a given string that has a
corresponding HTML entity with that entity.
- encodeEntities(String, String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.response.ResponseHelpers
- This method replaces any character in a given string that has a
corresponding HTML entity with that entity.
- encodingScheme -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter
- The encodingScheme read in from configuration.
- end -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
- End of substring when type is "mid".
- EntityEncodeTag - class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.EntityEncodeTag.
- This class is a custom tag that encodes HTML entities in a string.
- EntityEncodeTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.EntityEncodeTag
- entries -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.URLRedirectFilter
- This is the collection of configured items read from the config file.
- entry -
Variable in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.FakeEntry
- entrySet() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
- EOF -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- equals(Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Compares this map with the passed in object for equality.
- equals(Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.FakeEntry
- Returns
if this Map.Entry is equal to the Object
passed in.
- equals(Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.EntrySet
- Returns
if this set is equal with another set.
- errorHandlers -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Collection of error handlers for this group.
- errorHandlers -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Collection of error handlers for this event.
- errorHandlers -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Collection of error handlers for this element.
- events -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- The collection of events defined for an element.
- execute(ChainContext) -
Method in interface javawebparts.misc.chain.Command
- Execute().
- execute(ChainContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.SimpleCommand
- Execute().
- execute(ChainContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopStartCommand
- Execute().
- execute(ChainContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopEndCommand
- Execute().
- execute(ChainManager, ChainContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- Executes the Chain.
- executeChain(String, ChainContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainManager
- Executes a named Chain from a named Catalog.
- executionIndex -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- The index of the currently executing Command in this Chain.
- extendsID -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- The ID of the Catalog this Catalog extends, if any
- extendsID -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Catalog
- The ID of the Catalog this Catalog extends, if any
- extraInfo -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- This is arbitrary extra information that a Command can return for the
callers' use.
- FAIL -
Static variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- This value is returned by a Command when the Chain should be stopped due
to an unexpected failure reason, and it is also returned by a Chain when
any Command returns this value.
- failureReasons -
Variable in class javawebparts.context.ContextSize
- Collection of reasons why context size could not be determined.
- failureReasons -
Variable in class javawebparts.session.SessionSize
- Collection of reasons why session size could not be determined.
- filterExpired -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter
- Filter request with expired session ID.
- FilterHelpers - class javawebparts.filter.FilterHelpers.
- This class contains static methods that are used by a number of different
- FilterHelpers() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.FilterHelpers
- This is a utility class, so we want a private noarg constructor so
instances cannot be created.
- filterPath(ServletRequest, ArrayList, String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.FilterHelpers
- Determines whether a filter should do its work.
- findCatalog(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainManager
- Looks up and returns a named Catalog.
- findChain(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Catalog
- Looks up and returns a named Chain from this catalog.
- flush() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResStream
- Flush the output stream.
- flushBuffer() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResWrapper
- Flush the stream.
- form -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- The name of the form child elements will operate on.
- form -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- The form this event operates on, if any.
- form -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- The name of the form child events will operate on.
- FormSenderServlet - class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet.
- The FormSenderServlet allows you to accept the submission of a form and take
values from that form, insert them into a template, and send the resultant
text as an eMail message to a specified address or list of addresses.
- FormSenderServlet() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- FormToXMLTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FormToXMLTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPFormToXML() Javascript
function which can be called to generate an XML document (technically, a
string of XML, not a true XML document) from an HTML form.
- FormToXMLTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FormToXMLTag
- forwardTo -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter
- A path to forward to when access is denied.
- forwardTo -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionInactivityFilter
- A path to forward to when access is denied.
- forwardTo -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- A path to forward to when access is denied.
- forwardTo -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CrossSiteScriptingFilter
- A path to forward to when access is denied.
- forwardTo -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- A path to forward to when access is denied.
- freeze() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Freezes the configuration of this object.
- freeze() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Freezes the configuration of this object.
- freeze() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Freezes the configuration of this object.
- freeze() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Freezes the configuration of this object.
- freeze() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Freezes the configuration of this object.
- freeze() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- Freezes the configuration of this object.
- freeze() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Freezes the configuration of this object.
- freeze() -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- Freezes the configuration of this object.
- frequency -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
- This stores the frequency in milliseconds that the AJAX event should fire.
- fridayEnd -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The end of the time window the app is available during on Friday.
- fridayStart -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The start of the time window the app is available during on Friday.
- fromAddress -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- The from address used when sending the eMail.
- frozen -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Flag: Is the configuration frozen?
- frozen -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Flag: Is the configuration frozen?
- frozen -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Flag: Is the configuration frozen?
- frozen -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Flag to determine if the configuration frozen.
- frozen -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Flag to determine if the configuration frozen.
- frozen -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- Flag: Is the configuration frozen?
- frozen -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Flag to determine if the configuration frozen.
- frozen -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- Flag: Is the configuration frozen?
- FullTrimTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FullTrimTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPFullTrim() Javascript function
which can be called to trim whitespace from both ends of a string.
- FullTrimTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FullTrimTag
- function -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxManualTag
- This is the name of the Javascript function that will be rendered that
the developer manually calls to fire the AJAX event.
- function -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- The Javascript function name this handler will be called as.
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- Constant for function lcase function.
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- Constant for function reverse function.
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- Constant for function trim function.
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- Constant for function ucase function.
- functionList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerResWrapper
- The list of functions to be performed.
- functionList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- The list of functions to be performed.
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- generateGUID(HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- Returns a 32 character string uniquely identifying the given request
- get() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- get -- return the next character from stdin.
- get(Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Returns the value mapped to the specified key or
if the
specified key isn't mapped to any value.
- get(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.listener.AppConfig
- The configuration map.
- getAjaxRef() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
- Returns the Ajax reference ID.
- getAjaxRef() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxManualTag
- Returns the Ajax reference ID.
- getAjaxRef() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEventTag
- Returns the Ajax reference ID.
- getAjaxRef() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- ajaxRef getter.
- getAjaxRef() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Returns the ajaxRef for the element.
- getAllRequestInfo(HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This method is a convenience method that calls the other three and
returns a Map containing all request attributes, parameters and
- getAsync() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Accessor for async.
- getAsync() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Returns whether the request is asynchronous or not.
- getAsync() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Accessor for async.
- getAttachTo() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEventTag
- Returns the DOM ID to attach to.
- getAttribute(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- Gets an attribute from the context.
- getBodyContent(HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This method will return the body content of an HTTP request as a String.
- getCatalogId() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- Getter for the ID of the Catalog this context is being used to service.
- getCatalogOrChainID(String, int) -
Static method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainManager
- Returns either the Catalog ID or Chain ID from a string in the form
"xxxx/yyyy", where xxxx is the Catalog ID and yyyy is the Chain ID.
- getChain() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Getter for the Chain of this Command.
- getChainId() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- Getter for the ID of the Chain this context is being used to service.
- getClassName() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Class Name accessor.
- getClassName() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Getter for the class of this Command.
- getCode() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- code accessor.
- getCode() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Gets the result code stored in this Result.
- getCompressionType() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResWrapper
- Returns the type of compression this wrapper is doing.
- getContentType() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResWrapper
- Returns the contentType which has been set by the overridden setContentType
- getContentType() -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping
- Accessor for contentType field.
- getContentType(String, String, String, ServletContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromURL
- This implementation assumes the content type is set either using the value
of the defaultContentType init parameter of the ResourceServerServlet, or
via mapping file, so null is returned by getContentType().
- getContentType(String, String, String, ServletContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromJAR
- This implementation assumes the content type is set either using the value
of the defaultContentType init parameter of the ResourceServerServlet, or
via mapping file, so null is returned by getContentType().
- getContentType(String, String, String, ServletContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromFileSystem
- This implementation assumes the content type is set either using the value
of the defaultContentType init parameter of the ResourceServerServlet, or
via mapping file, so null is returned by getContentType().
- getContentType(String, String, String, ServletContext) -
Method in interface javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStream
- getContentType() can be used to return the value that will be set as the
response' contentType header.
- getContextSize() -
Method in class javawebparts.context.ContextSize
- This method is used to get the total size of a current, valid
ServletContext object it is passed.
- getCookie(HttpServletRequest, String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This method will return the Cookie with the provided name, if it is
present in the request.
- getCookies(HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This method will return a Map of all cookies in the request.
- getCookieValue(HttpServletRequest, String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This method will return the value of the Cookie with the provided name,
if it is present in the request.
- getCreateForPaths() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- createForPaths accessor.
- getCreateForPathsAL() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- createForPathsAL accessor.
- getData() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResStream
- return the collected output
- getDayStartEnd(FilterConfig, String, int) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- Retrieves the start or stop time, as specified, from a time range in
the form 8888-9999 where 8888 is the start time in 24-hour time and
9999 is the end time in 24-hour time.
- getDebug() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEnableTag
- Accessor for debug.
- getDependency(String, ServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyFilter
- This method is called by client code to get a reference to a particular
created object.
- getDummy() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- Accessor for dummy field.
- getElement(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Gets an element from the collection.
- getErrorHandler(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Gets an error handler from the collection.
- getErrorHandler(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Gets an error handler from the collection.
- getErrorHandler(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Gets an error handler from the collection.
- getErrorHandlers() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Gets the collection of error handlers for this group.
- getErrorHandlers() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Gets the collection of error handlers for this event.
- getErrorHandlers() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Gets the collection of error handlers for this element.
- getEvent(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Returns the AjaxEvent instance for the named UI event.
- getEvents() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Returns the collection of AjaxEvent instances for this element.
- getExtendsID() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- Gets the ID of the Chain that this Chain extends.
- getExtendsID() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Catalog
- Gets the ID of the Catalog that this Catalog extends.
- getExtraInfo() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Gets the extra info stored in this Result.
- getFieldWithPrivilege(Field, Object) -
Static method in class javawebparts.core.JWPHelpers
- This method is used by the serializiableTest() method to get the
needed priveleges on a given field of a given object needed to
perform the serializable test.
- getForm() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Accessor for form.
- getForm() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Returns the form this event operates on.
- getForm() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Accessor for form.
- getFrequency() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
- Accessor for frequency field.
- getFunction() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxManualTag
- Returns the function field value.
- getFunction() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- name accessor.
- getGroup(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- Returns an AjaxGroup instance from the collection by ajaxRef.
- getGroups() -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- Returns a collection of all groups defined in the config file.
- getHandler(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- Returns an AjaxHandlerConfig instance from the collection by name.
- getHandlers() -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- Returns a collection of all handlers defined in the config file.
- getHeaderAddr(ServletRequest) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- Get Client IP through a custom header.
- getHttpMethod() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Returns the HTTP method of this event handler.
- getId() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Getter for the ID of this Command.
- getId() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- Gets the ID of this Chain.
- getId() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Catalog
- Gets the ID of this Catalog.
- getInitArrays() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Returns the collection of Array property initializations.
- getInitClass() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Init Class accessor.
- getInitLists() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Returns the collection of List property initializations.
- getInitMaps() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Returns the collection of Map property initializations.
- getInitMethod() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Init Method accessor.
- getInitProps() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Returns the collection of simple property initializations.
- getItem() -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- Returns the next item in the list.
- getJsonp() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Returns the value of the jsonp attribute, or false if not explicitly set.
- getKey() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.KeyAndValue
- Returns the key.
- getKey() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.FakeEntry
- Returns the key of the entry.
- getLocation() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- name accessor.
- getLogger() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEnableTag
- Accessor for logger.
- getMatchPattern() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Returns the matchPattern of this event handler.
- getMaxAge() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Max Age accessor.
- getMethod() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Accessor for method.
- getMethod() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Returns the HTTP method this event's request handler will use.
- getMethod() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Accessor for method.
- getMethodCalls() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Returns the collection of method calls.
- getName() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- name accessor.
- getName() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Name accessor.
- getOutputStream() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResWrapper
- Returns a suitable custom ServletOutputStream.
- getOutputStream() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResWrapper
- Creates a suitable custom ServletOutputStream.
- getParameter() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Returns the handler-specific parameter string for this handler.
- getParameter() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Returns the handler-specific parameter string for this handler.
- getParameter(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerResWrapper
- Called to retrieve a parameter that have been "munged".
- getParameterValues(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerResWrapper
- Called to retrieve parameters that have been "munged".
- GetParamsTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.GetParamsTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPGetParams() Javascript
function which can be called to retrieve the value of a named parameter,
or an array of all parameters, that were on the query string used to
access the page.
- GetParamsTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.GetParamsTag
- getPostProc() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Accessor for postProc.
- getPostProc() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Accessor for postProc.
- getPostProc() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Accessor for postProc.
- getPreProc() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Accessor for preProc.
- getPreProc() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Accessor for preProc.
- getPreProc() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Accessor for preProc.
- getProperties() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Returns the collection of properties for this Command.
- getRemoteAddr(ServletRequest) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- Get Client IP using getRemoteAddr method.
- getReplaceID() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Getter for the replaceID of this Command.
- getRequestAttributes(HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This method will return a Map that can be displayed which contains
all request attributes.
- getRequestHandler() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Returns the AjaxRequestHandler instance that serves as the request handler
for this event.
- getRequestHeaders(HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This method will return a Map that can be displayed which contains
all request headers.
- getRequestParameters(HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This method will return a Map that can be displayed which contains
all request parameters.
- getResource() -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping
- Accessor for resource field.
- getResource(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method returns a String from a resource loaded from the
classpath, including within a JAR file.
- getResponseHandlers() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Returns the list of AjaxRequestHandler instances that serves as the
response handlers for this event.
- getResult() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- Gets the result of the Chain execution that this context is being used by.
- getScope() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Scope accessor.
- getScopedAsync(AjaxGroup, AjaxElement, AjaxEvent) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method returns the async for a given event based on scope rules.
- getScopedForm(AjaxGroup, AjaxElement, AjaxEvent) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method returns the form for a given event based on scope rules.
- getScopedMethod(AjaxGroup, AjaxElement, AjaxEvent) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method returns the method for a given event based on scope rules.
- getScopedPostProc(AjaxGroup, AjaxElement, AjaxEvent) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method returns the postPRoc for a given event based on scope rules.
- getScopedPreProc(AjaxGroup, AjaxElement, AjaxEvent) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method returns the preProc for a given event based on scope rules.
- getSessionAttributes(HttpSession) -
Static method in class javawebparts.session.SessionHelpers
- This method will return a Map that can be displayed which contains
all session attributes.
- getSessionSize() -
Method in class javawebparts.session.SessionSize
- This method is used to get the total size of a current, valid HttpSession
object it is passed.
- getStartOnLoad() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
- Returns the startOnLoad field value.
- getStream(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method returns an InputStream on a resource loaded from the classpath,
including within a JAR file.
- getStream(String, String, String, ServletContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromURL
- getStream() is the method that returns the InputStream to the resource to
to be served.
- getStream(String, String, String, ServletContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromJAR
- getStream() is the method that returns the InputStream to the resource to
to be served.
- getStream(String, String, String, ServletContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromFileSystem
- getStream() is the method that returns the InputStream to the resource to
to be served.
- getStream(String, String, String, ServletContext) -
Method in interface javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStream
- getStream() is the method that returns the InputStream to the resource to
to be served.
- getTarget() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Returns the target (URL) of this handler.
- getTargetCommand() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Gets the target Command to be stored in this Result.
- getType() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Returns the type of this event handler.
- getType() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Returns the type of this event handler.
- getType() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- type accessor.
- getType() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Returns the type of the event.
- getType() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- type accessor.
- getValue() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.KeyAndValue
- Returns the value.
- getValue() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.FakeEntry
- Returns the value of the entry.
- getWriter() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResWrapper
- Gets the PrintWriter off the output stream.
- getWriter() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResWrapper
- Gets a PrintWriter off the output stream.
- groupRefFromAjaxRef(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method takes an ajaxRef (which is assumed to be in the correct
format) and returns just the group's ajaxRef.
- groups -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- The collection of groups defined in the config file.
- GZIP -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResWrapper
- String identifier for GZip compression.
- handlers -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- The collection of handlers defined in the config file.
- hashCode() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Returns the hash code of this map.
- hashCode() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.FakeEntry
- Returns the hash code of the object.
- hashCode() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.EntrySet
- Returns the hash code of the object.
- headerName -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- Header name to examine instead of doing getRemoteAddr()
to retrieve Client IP.
- httpMethod -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- The HTTP method for a handler.
- ICaseTag - class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ICaseTag.
- This class is a custom tag that case-inverts a string.
- ICaseTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ICaseTag
- id -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- The ID of this thread.
- id -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- ID of this Command.
- id -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- The ID of this Chain.
- id -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Catalog
- The ID of this Catalog.
- id -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- The ID of the
the Swapper is in.
- ignoreNonSerializable -
Variable in class javawebparts.context.ContextSize
- This flag determines if the context size will continue to be calculated
even when a non-serializable objects are found.
- ignoreNonSerializable -
Variable in class javawebparts.session.SessionSize
- This flag determines if the session size will continue to be calculated
even when a non-serializable objects are found.
- in -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- indexEnd -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopStartCommand
- The ending value for the index variable.
- indexStart -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopStartCommand
- The starting value for the index variable.
- init(ChainContext) -
Method in interface javawebparts.misc.chain.Command
- Init().
- init(ChainContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.SimpleCommand
- Init().
- init(ChainContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopStartCommand
- Init().
- init(ChainContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopEndCommand
- Init().
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.URLRedirectFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.SessionInactivityFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.RequestRecorderFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.ElapsedTimeFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CrossSiteScriptingFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CacheControlFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(FilterConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- Initialize this filter.
- init(ServletConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.TextReturnerServlet
- init.
- init(ServletConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- init.
- init(ServletConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- init.
- init(ServletConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.RedirectReturnerServlet
- init.
- init(ServletConfig) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- init.
- init(ServletContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxInit
- The container calls this when the context is initialzed.
- initArrays -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- List of Array properties that will be configured on the object.
- initArraysTemp -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- List of Array properties that will be configured on the object.
- initBackB -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- backB.
- initBackG -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- backG.
- initBackR -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- backR.
- initClass -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Name of the class that will be used to initialize the object upon creation.
- initColB -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- colB.
- initColG -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- colG.
- initColR -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- colR.
- initFontName -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- font.
- initFontPoint -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- fontPoint.
- initForwardTo(FilterConfig) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.FilterHelpers
- Gets the forwardTo init parameter that is common to many filters.
- initLists -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- List of List properties that will be configured on the object.
- initListsTemp -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- List of List properties that will be configured on the object.
- initMaps -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- List of Map properties that will be configured on the object.
- initMapsTemp -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- List of Map properties that will be configured on the object.
- initMethod -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Method of the initClass that will be called to initialize the object.
- initPathList(String, FilterConfig) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.FilterHelpers
- This is a common function used by a number of filters to get the list
of paths the filter will function or not function on.
- initPathSpec(String, FilterConfig) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.FilterHelpers
- This is a common function used by a number of filters to get the init
parameter that describes the path list.
- initProps -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- List of simple properties that will be configured on the object.
- initRedirectTo(FilterConfig) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.FilterHelpers
- Gets the redirectTo init parameter that is common to many filters.
- initStyleBold -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- styleBold.
- initStyleItalic -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- styleItalic.
- initStylePlain -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- stylePlain.
- IPAccessControlFilter - class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter.
- This filter rejects or allows a request based on the IP address it comes
- IPAccessControlFilter() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- ipToLong(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- Method that converts an IP address to a long.
- isAlphanum(int) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- isAlphanum -- return true if the character is a letter, digit,
underscore, dollar sign, or non-ASCII character.
- isAppAvailable() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- This is called to determine if the app is available.
- isCustom() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Indicates if the handler instance is a custom type.
- isEmpty() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Return
if this map contains no entries.
- isEmpty() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.AbstractCollectionView
- Returns
true if the Collection doesn't contain any elements.
- isFrozen() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Returns true if this onject's config is frozen, false otherwise.
- isFrozen() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Returns true if this onject's config is frozen, false otherwise.
- isFrozen() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Returns true if this onject's config is frozen, false otherwise.
- isFrozen() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Returns true if this onject's config is frozen, false otherwise.
- isFrozen() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Returns true if this onject's config is frozen, false otherwise.
- isFrozen() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- Returns true if this onject's config is frozen, false otherwise.
- isFrozen() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Returns true if this onject's config is frozen, false otherwise.
- isFrozen() -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- Returns true if this onject's config is frozen, false otherwise.
- isSessionRegistered(ServletContext, String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilterHelper
- Checks whether a session is registered (ie allowed).
- isSTD() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Indicates if the handler instance is a standard type.
- isTimeInRange(int, int, int) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- This method checks if a given 24-hour time is within a given 24-hour
- items -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextReturnerServlet
- Bean that holds all our items from the file, and generally does all
the work of this servlet.
- items -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.RedirectReturnerServlet
- Bean that holds all our items from the file, and generally does all
the work of this servlet.
- items -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- Our actual list of items as read in from the file.
- Items - class javawebparts.servlet.Items.
- This class holds the items from a configuration file.
- Items() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- iterator() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.KeySet
- Returns an
that can be used to iterate on the Set.
- iterator() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.EntrySet
- Returns an
that can be used to iterate on the Set.
- iterator() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.ValuesCollection
- Returns an
that can be used to iterate on the
- javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib - package javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib
- The AjaxParts Taglib (APT).
- javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config - package javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config
- Contains all classes that store AjaxParts Taglib configuration information.
- javawebparts.context - package javawebparts.context
- This package contains classes for dealing with ServletContext.
- javawebparts.core - package javawebparts.core
- This package contains code from other packages that Java Web Parts depends on.
- javawebparts.filter - package javawebparts.filter
- This package contains a number of servlet filters.
- javawebparts.listener - package javawebparts.listener
- This package contains various context and session listeners.
- javawebparts.misc - package javawebparts.misc
- This package contains some miscellaneous classes that didn't really fit
anywhere else.
- javawebparts.misc.chain - package javawebparts.misc.chain
- This package contains a Chain Of Responsibility (CoR) pattern implementation
which offers a great deal of flexibility.
- javawebparts.misc.chain.commands - package javawebparts.misc.chain.commands
- This package contains "built-in" Commands for the CoR implementation.
- javawebparts.request - package javawebparts.request
- This package contains utilities dealing with the Request object.
- javawebparts.response - package javawebparts.response
- This package contains utilities dealing with the Response object.
- javawebparts.servlet - package javawebparts.servlet
- This package contains various servlets.
- javawebparts.session - package javawebparts.session
- This package contains utilities dealing with the Session object.
- javawebparts.taglib.basicstr - package javawebparts.taglib.basicstr
- This package contains the BasicStr taglib.
- javawebparts.taglib.jstags - package javawebparts.taglib.jstags
- This package contains the JSTags taglib.
- javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets - package javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets
- This package contains the UIWidgets taglib.
- JSCompressionFilter - class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionFilter.
- This filter does some simple javascript compressing in the response.
- JSCompressionFilter() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionFilter
- JSCompressionResStream - class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResStream.
- This class is used to do compression.
- JSCompressionResStream() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResStream
- Constructor.
- JSCompressionResWrapper - class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResWrapper.
- This class is used to do compression.
- JSCompressionResWrapper(HttpServletResponse) -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResWrapper
- Constructor.
- JSDigesterTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.JSDigesterTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JSDigester.
- JSDigesterTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.JSDigesterTag
- JSMin - class javawebparts.filter.JSMin.
- This class is used to do compression.
- JSMin.UnterminatedCommentException - exception javawebparts.filter.JSMin.UnterminatedCommentException.
- This class is thrown when a Comment is not terminated correctly.
- JSMin.UnterminatedCommentException() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.JSMin.UnterminatedCommentException
- JSMin.UnterminatedRegExpLiteralException - exception javawebparts.filter.JSMin.UnterminatedRegExpLiteralException.
- This class is thrown when a RegExp is not terminated correctly.
- JSMin.UnterminatedRegExpLiteralException() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.JSMin.UnterminatedRegExpLiteralException
- JSMin.UnterminatedStringLiteralException - exception javawebparts.filter.JSMin.UnterminatedStringLiteralException.
- This class is thrown when a String is not terminated correctly.
- JSMin.UnterminatedStringLiteralException() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.JSMin.UnterminatedStringLiteralException
- JSMin() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- Constructor
- jsonp -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- The jsonp parameter to append to the query string, if any.
Static variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- This value is returned by a Command when the Chain should jump to a
named Command.
- JWPHelpers - class javawebparts.core.JWPHelpers.
- This class contains miscellaneous methods that are used by classes in
multiple packages.
- JWPHelpers() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.core.JWPHelpers
- This is a utility class, so we want a private noarg constructor so
instances cannot be created.
- key -
Variable in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.KeyAndValue
- keySet() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.
- LayerCenterTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LayerCenterTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPLayerCenter() Javascript
function which takes in a reference to a <div> or <layer> tag
and centers it, taking into account how the page is scrolled.
- LayerCenterTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LayerCenterTag
- LCaseTag - class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.LCaseTag.
- This class is a custom tag that lower-cases a string.
- LCaseTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.LCaseTag
- leftEdge -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.AbbreviateTag
- This is the attribute that defines the left edge of the string to use.
- LocateSelectValueTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LocateSelectValueTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPLocateSelectValue() Javascript
function which takes in a reference to a <select> tag and locates the
value in it (and selects it) that is passed in.
- LocateSelectValueTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LocateSelectValueTag
- location -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Location of Javascript for this handler (local if the developer will
include the script himself, or the path to an external .js file)
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxManualTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxInit
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEventTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEnableTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.URLRedirectFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilterHelper
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionInactivityFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.RequestRecorderFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.FilterHelpers
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.ElapsedTimeFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.CrossSiteScriptingFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.CacheControlFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.listener.SessionLimiterListener
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.listener.AppConfigContextListener
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainManager
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopStartCommand
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopEndCommand
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextReturnerServlet
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromURL
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromJAR
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromFileSystem
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.RedirectReturnerServlet
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.session.SessionHelpers
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.UCaseTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.TrimTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ScrambleTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReverseTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.LCaseTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ICaseTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.EntityEncodeTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.AbbreviateTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.SubstrCountTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StripCharsTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StringContentValidTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.ReplaceSubstrTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.PrintPageTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.MaximizeWindowTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LocateSelectValueTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LayerCenterTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.JSDigesterTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.GetParamsTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FullTrimTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FormToXMLTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.DisableRightClickTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.DateDifferenceTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.CreateBookmarkTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.CookieFunctionsTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Log instance.
- log -
Static variable in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- Log instance.
- log(StringBuffer) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- For every request that is made, a message is constructed with the
results and some status information.
- logAllRequestInfo(HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This method is a convenience method that calls the other three and
dumps all headers, attributes and request to the log.
- logger -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEnableTag
- What logger implementation to use.
- logSessionAttributes(HttpSession) -
Static method in class javawebparts.session.SessionHelpers
- This method is a convenience method that dumps all attributes to the log.
- LoopEndCommand - class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopEndCommand.
- This is a standard Command that ends a loop.
- LoopEndCommand() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopEndCommand
- LoopStartCommand - class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopStartCommand.
- This is a standard Command that begins a loop.
- LoopStartCommand() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopStartCommand
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer
- Standard Java app entry point.
- map -
Variable in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Internal Map used to store the Entries.
- mappings -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- mappings is a collection of ResourceMapping objects (which correspond to
elements in a mapping file) for each resource.
- match -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag
- This is the attribute that defines the substring to search for.
- matchPattern -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- The regex that will be used to determine is response handler should fire.
- matchType -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- What type of address matching processing we want this filter to do.
- maxAge -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- The maximum age in seconds for a session-scoped dependency.
- MaximizeWindowTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.MaximizeWindowTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPMaximizeWindow() Javascript
function which can be called to maximize the current browser window.
- MaximizeWindowTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.MaximizeWindowTag
- maxSessions -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter
- The number of session allowed.
- maxSize -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.AbbreviateTag
- This is the attribute that defines the maximum size of the resultant
- maxYear -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- The maximum year to show in the dropdown.
- method -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- The HTTP method child elements will use.
- method -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- The HTTP method the request handler for this event will use.
- method -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- The HTTP method child events will use.
- methodCalls -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- List of methods that will be called on the object after creation.
- minYear -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- The minimum year to show in the dropdown.
- mondayEnd -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The end of the time window the app is available during on Monday.
- mondayStart -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The start of the time window the app is available during on Monday.
- name -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- The name this handler will be known and reference by.
- name -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Name the configured dependency will be under.
- next() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- This method gets the next character, excluding comments.
- numThreads -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- The total number of threads running, for display purposss only.
- ops -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResStream
- Our output stream.
- order -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- What order items are retrieved in.
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- Constant used when the order is "forward".
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- Constant used when the order is "random".
Static variable in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- Constant used when the order is "reverse".
- orderArray -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- The array that will store the order to return the items in.
- orderArrayIndex -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- Current index into the orderArray array.
- out -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- out -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResStream
- ServletOutputStream out.
- outputFunctions(StringBuffer) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Writes the <script> containing the JavaScript function
to the passed in StringBuffer.
- padBinByteStr(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- Method that pads (prefixes) a string representation of a byte with 0's.
- pageAfter -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- The JSP to forward to after sending the message.
- parameter -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- The parameter for a handler.
- parameter -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- The parameter for a handler.
- ParameterMungerFilter - class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter.
- This filter can perform various operations on incoming parameters.
- ParameterMungerFilter() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- ParameterMungerResWrapper - class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerResWrapper.
- This class is a wrapper capable of doing various operations on
the request parameters.
- ParameterMungerResWrapper(HttpServletRequest, ArrayList) -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerResWrapper
- Constructor.
- parseConfig(ServletContext) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxInit
- This method is responsible for parsing the config file.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionInactivityFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.RequestRecorderFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.ElapsedTimeFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CrossSiteScriptingFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CacheControlFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathList -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- List of paths for filter functionality determination.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionInactivityFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.RequestRecorderFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.ParameterMungerFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.ElapsedTimeFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CrossSiteScriptingFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CacheControlFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- pathSpec -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- Whether pathList includes or excludes.
- peek() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- Get the next character without getting it.
- postProc -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- The postprocessor this event will use.
- postProc -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- The postprocessor this event will use.
- postProc -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- The postprocessor this event will use.
- preProc -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- The preprocessor this event will use.
- preProc -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- The preprocessor this event will use.
- preProc -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- The preprocessor this event will use.
- PrintPageTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.PrintPageTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPPrintPage() Javascript
function which can be called to trigger a print dialog for the current page.
- PrintPageTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.PrintPageTag
- properties -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- The collection of properties for this Command.
- put(Object, Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Associates the specified value with the specified key.
- putAll(Map) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Iterates over all the mappings of the specified map and adds them with
put(key, value)
to this map.
- randomNumber(int, int) -
Static method in class javawebparts.core.JWPHelpers
- This method is used to generate a random number in a given range and the
number should be more random than the standard Java random number
generator and also should guarantee that a random number generated on two
different machines at the exact same time will yield a different number.
- readFromFile(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.core.JWPHelpers
- Read a file and return its contents as an array of Strings.
- RecordedRequestPlayer - class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.
- This class is a simple Java application that accepts on the command line
the name of a file that was created by the RequestRecorderFilter.
- RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread - class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread.
- This is an inner class that is the thread which is spawned to run through
the recorded requests.
- RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- RecordedRequestPlayer() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer
- Constructor to avoid static analysis error.
- redirectOrForward(String, String, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.FilterHelpers
- This is called by any filter after it determines that a request should
be aborted.
- RedirectReturnerServlet - class javawebparts.servlet.RedirectReturnerServlet.
- This servlet returns a URL as defined in an XML file.
- RedirectReturnerServlet() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.RedirectReturnerServlet
- redirectTo -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionInactivityFilter
- A path to redirect to when access is denied.
- redirectTo -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.IPAccessControlFilter
- A path to redirect to when access is denied.
- redirectTo -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CrossSiteScriptingFilter
- A path to redirect to when access is denied.
- redirectTo -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- A path to redirect to when access is denied.
Static variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- This value is returned by a Command when the Command should execute
- registerSession(ServletContext, String, int) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilterHelper
- Register a session if the maximum number of sessions isn't reached yet.
- remove(Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present.
- remove(Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.AbstractCollectionView
- Removes the passed in element from the Collection.
- removeAll(Collection) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.AbstractCollectionView
- Removes all the elements from this Collection that are in the passed in
- renderJSDigester(StringBuffer) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.JSDigesterTag
- Renders the JSDigester class code.
- renderMarkup(StringBuffer, String, String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- Renders the makrup for the calendar.
- renderRules(StringBuffer) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.JSDigesterTag
- Renders the Digester rule classes.
- renderSAXParser(StringBuffer) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.JSDigesterTag
- Renders the SAXParser handler class code.
- renderScript(StringBuffer) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- Renders the script block for the calendar.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.SubstrCountTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StripCharsTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StringContentValidTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.ReplaceSubstrTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.PrintPageTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.MaximizeWindowTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LocateSelectValueTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LayerCenterTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.JSDigesterTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.GetParamsTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FullTrimTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FormToXMLTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.DisableRightClickTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.DateDifferenceTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.CreateBookmarkTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderScriptTags -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.CookieFunctionsTag
- Whether to render the opening and closing script tags around the
emitted Javascript.
- renderStyles(StringBuffer, boolean, HashMap) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- Renders the style block for the calendar.
- renderText(Map) -
Static method in class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- This method is the method which actually renders a given text string
using the given font characteristics and returns the image as an
OutputStream (ByteArrayOutputStream specifically).
- replaceID -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- The Command that this Command replaces when this Chain extends another.
- ReplaceSubstrTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.ReplaceSubstrTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPReplaceSubstr() Javascript
function which can be called to replace all occurances of a given
character or string from another.
- ReplaceSubstrTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.ReplaceSubstrTag
- ReplaceTag - class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag.
- This class is a custom tag that replaces substrings within a string.
- ReplaceTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag
- replaceWith -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag
- This is the attribute that defines what to replace substring with.
- reps -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- Number of repetitions this thread should perform.
- repsCount -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- Count of the number of repetitions this thread has performed so far.
- requestHandler -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- The request handler defined for an event.
- RequestHelpers - class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers.
- This class contains static methods that are too small to warrant their
own class.
- RequestHelpers() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.request.RequestHelpers
- This is a utility class, so we want a private noarg constructor so
instances cannot be created.
- requestParameter -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- requestParameter is the name of the request parameter that will be
examined to determine what the requested resource is.
- RequestRecorderFilter - class javawebparts.filter.RequestRecorderFilter.
- This is a filter that is used to record each incoming request and write it
out to a CSV file.
- RequestRecorderFilter() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.RequestRecorderFilter
- requests -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- The collection of requests this thread will run through.
- resource -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping
- The value of the request parameter that points to the resource.
- resourceMappingFile -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- resourceMappingFile is the context-relative path to a file which maps
requested resources to contentTypes.
- ResourceServerServlet - class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet.
- The ResourceServerServlet can be used to serve resources from various
- ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping - class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping.
- ResourceMapping is an inner class which holds the information for each
element in the mapping file, if present.
- ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping
- ResourceServerServlet() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- ResourceStream - interface javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStream.
- The ResourceStream interface is implemented by classes used by the
- resourceStreamClass -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- resourceStreamClass is the class that implements the ResourceStream
interface and knows how to provide a stream to a requested resource,
and optionally the contentType for the resource.
- ResourceStreamFromFileSystem - class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromFileSystem.
- This conrete implementation of the ResourceStream interface is used to
serve resources from a file system path, absolute or relative.
- ResourceStreamFromFileSystem() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromFileSystem
- ResourceStreamFromJAR - class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromJAR.
- This conrete implementation of the ResourceStream interface is used to
serve resources from a JAR file in the classpath.
- ResourceStreamFromJAR() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromJAR
- ResourceStreamFromURL - class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromURL.
- This conrete implementation of the ResourceStream interface is used to
serve resources from a URL, either local or remote.
- ResourceStreamFromURL() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceStreamFromURL
- resp -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResWrapper
- The servlet response being services.
- resp -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResStream
- Reference to the response being serviced.
- responseCode -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- The response code retrieved from the last request made.
- responseHandlers -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- The list of response handlers defined for an event.
- ResponseHelpers - class javawebparts.response.ResponseHelpers.
- This class contains static methods that are too small to warrant their
own class.
- ResponseHelpers() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.response.ResponseHelpers
- This is a utility class, so we want a private noarg constructor so
instances cannot be created.
- responseMessage -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- The response message retrieved from the last request made.
Static variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- This value is returned by a Command when the Chain should be restarted.
- result -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- The result of the Chain execution that this context is being used by.
- Result - class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result.
- This class is returned by a Command or Chain.
- Result(int) -
Constructor for class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Construct a Result with the given result code and no additional
- Result(int, String) -
Constructor for class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Construct a Result with the given result code and one piece of
additional information.
- Result(int, String, String) -
Constructor for class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Construct a Result with the given result code and one piece of
additional information and a target Command to jump to or call.
- retainAll(Collection) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.AbstractCollectionView
- Retains in this Collection only the elements found in the passed in
- ReverseTag - class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReverseTag.
- This class is a custom tag that reverses a string.
- ReverseTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReverseTag
- rootElement -
Variable in class javawebparts.listener.AppConfigContextListener
- The root element of the config file.
- rulesetClass -
Variable in class javawebparts.listener.AppConfigContextListener
- The class that is called to configure the Digester ruleset.
- run() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- Main thread work method.
- saturdayEnd -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The end of the time window the app is available during on Saturday.
- saturdayStart -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The start of the time window the app is available during on Saturday.
- saveFile -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.RequestRecorderFilter
- Path to the file to write results to.
- scope -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Scope the configured dependency will be under (request or session).
- ScrambleTag - class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ScrambleTag.
- This class is a custom tag that trims a string.
- ScrambleTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ScrambleTag
- sendMessage(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- This method sends a message.
- sendRequest(String, String, HashMap) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- This method is called to send a given request.
- serializiableTest(Object) -
Static method in class javawebparts.core.JWPHelpers
- This method is used by the getContextSize() method to determine if a
given object is serializable.
- serveUnbounded -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- serveUnbounded, when set to true, means that any resource that the servlet,
and by extension the applicable ResourceStream class, can find.
- session -
Variable in class javawebparts.session.SessionSize
- Reference to session this object is associated with.
- sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) -
Method in class javawebparts.listener.SessionLimiterListener
- Unregistering the session when it is destroyed.
- sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) -
Method in class javawebparts.listener.SessionLimiterListener
- Unregistering the session when it is destroyed.
- SessionHelpers - class javawebparts.session.SessionHelpers.
- This class contains static methods that are too small to warrant their
own class.
- SessionHelpers() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.session.SessionHelpers
- This is a utility class, so we want a private noarg constructor so
instances cannot be created.
- SessionInactivityFilter - class javawebparts.filter.SessionInactivityFilter.
- This filter can test to see if a session has expired, and if it has can
redirect or forward to a page of your choice.
- SessionInactivityFilter() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.SessionInactivityFilter
- SessionLimiterFilter - class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter.
- This filter can be used to limit the number of concurrent sessions allowed
by a webapp at any given time.
- SessionLimiterFilter() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilter
- SessionLimiterFilterHelper - class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilterHelper.
- This class contains static methods used by the classes implementing
the session limiting facility.
- SessionLimiterFilterHelper() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilterHelper
- This is a utility class, so we want a private noarg constructor so
instances cannot be created.
- SessionLimiterListener - class javawebparts.listener.SessionLimiterListener.
- This HttpSessionListener has to be registered in order to use
the session limiting facility (see
- SessionLimiterListener() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.listener.SessionLimiterListener
- SessionLimiterListenerHelper - class javawebparts.listener.SessionLimiterListenerHelper.
- This class contains static methods used by the classes implementing
the session limiting facility.
- SessionLimiterListenerHelper() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.listener.SessionLimiterListenerHelper
- This is a utility class, so we want a private noarg constructor so
instances cannot be created.
- SessionSize - class javawebparts.session.SessionSize.
- This class provides a way to get the size of a session object.
- SessionSize(HttpSession) -
Constructor for class javawebparts.session.SessionSize
- constructor.
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.SessionLimiterFilterHelper
- Attribute name of the Set containing the allowed session IDs in the
application context.
Static variable in class javawebparts.listener.SessionLimiterListenerHelper
- Attribute name of the Set containing the allowed session IDs in the
application context.
- set(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.listener.AppConfig
- Set an item in the configMap.
- setAjaxRef(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
- Sets the Ajax reference ID.
- setAjaxRef(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxManualTag
- Sets the Ajax reference ID.
- setAjaxRef(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEventTag
- Sets the Ajax reference ID.
- setAjaxRef(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- ajaxRef setter.
- setAjaxRef(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Sets the ajaxRef for the element.
- setAsync(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Mutator for async.
- setAsync(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Sets whether this request is asynchronous or not.
- setAsync(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Mutator for async.
- setAttachTo(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEventTag
- Sets the DOM ID to attach to.
- setAttribute(String, Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- Sets an attribute in the context.
- setBoxClass(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Mutator for boxClass field.
- setBoxHeight(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Mutator for boxHeight field.
- setBoxStyle(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Mutator for boxStyle field.
- setBoxWidth(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Mutator for boxWidth field.
- setButtonClass(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Mutator for buttonClass field.
- setButtonStyle(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Mutator for buttonStyle field.
- setCatalogId(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- Setter for the ID of the Catalog this context is being used to service.
- setChain(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Setter for the Chain of this Command.
- setChainId(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- Setter for the ID of the Chain this context is being used to service.
- setChars(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.TrimTag
- chars mutator.
- setClassName(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Class Name mutator.
- setClassName(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Setter for the class of this Command.
- setCode(int) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Sets the result code of this Resule.
- setCode(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- name mutator.
- setCommands(List) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- Sets the entire commands collection at once.
- setContentType(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResWrapper
- setContentType(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping
- Mutator for contentType field.
- setCount(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
- count mutator.
- setCreateForPaths(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- createForPaths mutator.
- setCustom() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Flags that the handler instance is a custom type.
- setDebug(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEnableTag
- Mutator for debug.
- setDigester(Digester) -
Method in class javawebparts.listener.AppConfig
- This must be called before the object can be populated.
- setDivClass(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Mutator for divClass field.
- setDivStyle(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Mutator for divStyle field.
- setDummy(int) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- Mutator for dummy field.
- setEnd(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
- end mutator.
- setExtendsID(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- Sets the ID of the Chain that this Chain extends.
- setExtendsID(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Catalog
- Sets the ID of the Catalog that this Catalog extends.
- setExtraInfo(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Sets the extra info stored in this Result.
- setForm(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Mutator for form.
- setForm(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Sets the form this event operates on.
- setForm(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Mutator for form.
- setFrequency(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
- Mutator for frequency field.
- setFunction(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxManualTag
- Sets the function field.
- setFunction(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- function mutator.
- setHttpMethod(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Sets the method of this event handler.
- setID(int) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- Mutator for the ID of this thread.
- setId(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Setter for the ID of this Command.
- setId(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- Sets the ID of this Chain.
- setId(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Catalog
- Sets the ID of this Catalog.
- setId(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- Mutator for ID field.
- setIgnoreNonSerializable(boolean) -
Method in class javawebparts.context.ContextSize
- Mutator for the ignoreNonSerializable field.
- setIgnoreNonSerializable(boolean) -
Method in class javawebparts.session.SessionSize
- Mutator for the ignoreNonSerializable field.
- setIndexEnd(Integer) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopStartCommand
- Setter for the indexEnd property.
- setIndexStart(Integer) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.LoopStartCommand
- Setter for the indexStart property.
- setInitClass(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Init Class mutator.
- setInitMethod(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Init Method mutator.
- setItem(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- Adds an item to the collection.
- setJsonp(boolean) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Sets the jsonp value of this handler.
- setLeftEdge(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.AbbreviateTag
- leftEdge mutator.
- setLocation(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- location mutator.
- setLogger(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEnableTag
- Mutator for logger.
- setMatch(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag
- match mutator.
- setMatchPattern(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Sets the matchPattern of this event handler.
- setMaxAge(long) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Max Age mutator.
- setMaxSize(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.AbbreviateTag
- maxSize mutator.
- setMaxYear(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- Set the maxYear field.
- setMethod(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Mutator for method.
- setMethod(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Sets the HTTP method this event's request handler will use.
- setMethod(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Mutator for method.
- setMinYear(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- Set the minYear field.
- setName(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- name mutator.
- setName(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Name mutator.
- setNumThreads(int) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- Mutator for the total number of threads running.
- setOrder(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- This method is called AFTER the items have been populated by
- setParameter(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Sets the handler-specific parameter string for this handler.
- setParameter(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Sets the handler-specific parameter string for this handler.
- setPostProc(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Mutator for postProc.
- setPostProc(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Mutator for postProc.
- setPostProc(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Mutator for postProc.
- setPreProc(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Mutator for preProc.
- setPreProc(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Mutator for preProc.
- setPreProc(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Mutator for preProc.
- setProperties(List) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Sets the collection of properties for this Command.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.SubstrCountTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StripCharsTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StringContentValidTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.ReplaceSubstrTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.PrintPageTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.MaximizeWindowTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LocateSelectValueTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.LayerCenterTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.JSDigesterTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.GetParamsTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FullTrimTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.FormToXMLTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.DisableRightClickTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.DateDifferenceTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.CreateBookmarkTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setRenderScriptTags(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.CookieFunctionsTag
- renderScriptTags mutator.
- setReplaceID(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Setter for the replaceID of this Command.
- setReplaceWith(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag
- replaceWith mutator.
- setReps(int) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- Mutator for number of repetitions this thread will perform.
- setRequestHandler(AjaxRequestHandler) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Sets the AjaxRequestHandler instance that will serve as the request handler
for this event.
- setRequests(ArrayList) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.RecordedRequestPlayer.RunnerThread
- Mutator for the array of requests this thread will run through.
- setResource(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping
- Mutator for resource field.
- setResult(Result) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- Sets the result of the Chain execution that this context is being used by.
- setRules(Digester, String, String) -
Method in interface javawebparts.listener.AppConfigRuleset
- This method, when implemented, should set the applicable rules on the
Digester object passed in, and return it.
- setScope(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Scope mutator.
- setStart(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
- start mutator.
- setStartOnLoad(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
- Sets the startOnLoad field.
- setSTD() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Flags that the handler instance is a standard type.
- setStyleOverrides(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- Set the styleOverrides field.
- setSuppress(boolean) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEnableTag
- Set the suppress flag of the tag.
- setTarget(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Sets the target (URL) of this handler.
- setTargetCommand(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Sets the target Command stored in this Result.
- setType(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Sets the type of this event handler.
- setType(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Sets the type of this event handler.
- setType(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- type mutator.
- setType(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Sets the type of the event.
- setType(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- type mutator.
- setType(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.TrimTag
- type mutator.
- setType(String) -
Method in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
- type mutator.
- setValue(Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.KeyAndValue
- Set the value.
- setValue(Object) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.FakeEntry
- Sets the value of the entry.
- SimpleCommand - class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.SimpleCommand.
- This is a standard Command that simply implements all
the required methods of the Command interface and
returns Result.SUCCESS from each.
- SimpleCommand() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.misc.chain.commands.SimpleCommand
- size() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Returns the number of entries in this map.
- size() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.AbstractCollectionView
- Returns the number of elements in the Collection.
- smtpHost -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- The SMTP host name to send the message through.
- smtpLogonRequired -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- Flag: Does the SMTP server require logon credentials or not?
- smtpPassword -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- Password to log on to the SMTP server (if smtpRequiresLogin is "true").
- smtpUsername -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- Username to log on to the SMTP server (if smtpRequiresLogin is "true").
- start -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
- Start of substring when type is "mid".
- startOnLoad -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxTimerTag
- Should the timer be started immediately upon page load, or will the
developer take responsibility for kicking off a timer?
- staticTokens -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- The list of static tokens configured.
- stdOrCustom -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Is this a standard or custom handler?
- streamParam1 -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- streamParam1 is an arbitrary piece of information passed to the
ResourceStream implementation class.
- streamParam2 -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- streamParam2 is an arbitrary piece of information passed to the
ResourceStream implementation class.
- StringContentValidTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StringContentValidTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPStringContentValid()
Javascript function which can be called to determine if a string contains
only valid characters, or if a string does no contain any of a list of
valid characters.
- StringContentValidTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StringContentValidTag
- stringFromInputStream(InputStream) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method takes as input an InputStream and returns it as a
- StripCharsTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StripCharsTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPStripChars() Javascript
function which takes in three strings.
- StripCharsTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.StripCharsTag
- strm -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResWrapper
- The servlet output stream we will write to.
- strm -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResWrapper
- The servlet output stream we will write to.
- styleOverrides -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.CalendarTag
- The style selectors that will be overridden.
- subject -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- The subject of the eMail to send.
- SubstrCountTag - class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.SubstrCountTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the JWPSubstrCount() Javascript
function which takes in a string and counts the number of times another
string (or single character) appears in it.
- SubstrCountTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.jstags.SubstrCountTag
- SubstrTag - class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag.
- This class is a custom tag that returns a portion of a string.
- SubstrTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
Static variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- This value is returned by a Command to indicate the Chain should continue,
and it is also returned by a Chain when it completes successfully.
- sundayEnd -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The end of the time window the app is available during on Sunday.
- sundayStart -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The start of the time window the app is available during on Sunday.
- suppress -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxEnableTag
- Flag: When set to true, the JWPWindowLogger and AjaxPartsTaglib objects
will NOT be rendered, only the applicable handlers, and the attach()
calls, will be rendered.
- SwapperTag - class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag.
- This class is a custom tag that renders the Swapper UI widget.
- SwapperTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.uiwidgets.SwapperTag
- target -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- The target a handler submits its request to if it is a request handler
- targetCommand -
Variable in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- A command ID to be returned along with the result code.
- template -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- The actual eMail template.
- templateFile -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- The path and name of the context-relative eMail template file.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.UCaseTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.TrimTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ScrambleTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReverseTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ReplaceTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.LCaseTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.ICaseTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.EntityEncodeTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- text -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.AbbreviateTag
- This is the body content text to be altered.
- TextRendererServlet - class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet.
- This servlet serves a dynamically-rendered image of a string of text with
the specified font characteristics.
- TextRendererServlet() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.TextRendererServlet
- TextReturnerServlet - class javawebparts.servlet.TextReturnerServlet.
- This servlet returns a string from an XML file.
- TextReturnerServlet() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.servlet.TextReturnerServlet
- theA -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- theB -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSMin
- thursdayEnd -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The end of the time window the app is available during on Thursday.
- thursdayStart -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The start of the time window the app is available during on Thursday.
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- Flag to retrieve end time for a date.
Static variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- Flag to retrieve start time for a date.
- toAddresses -
Variable in class javawebparts.servlet.FormSenderServlet
- The list of eMail addresses to send eMail to.
- toArray() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.AbstractCollectionView
- Returns an array containing a copy of all the elements found in this
- toArray(Object[]) -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.AbstractCollectionView
- Returns an array of the passed in type, containing a copy of all the
elements found in this Collection.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Returns the string representation of this map.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyConfig
- Overridden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.listener.AppConfig
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Result
- Overridden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.CommandConfig
- Overridden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainManager
- Overridden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.ChainContext
- Overridden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Chain
- Overridden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.misc.chain.Catalog
- Overridden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.ResourceServerServlet.ResourceMapping
- Overriden toString method.
- toString() -
Method in class javawebparts.servlet.Items
- Overriden toString method.
- TrimTag - class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.TrimTag.
- This class is a custom tag that trims a string.
- TrimTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.TrimTag
- tuesdayEnd -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The end of the time window the app is available during on Tuesday.
- tuesdayStart -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The start of the time window the app is available during on Tuesday.
- type -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- The type of a handler.
- type -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- The type of a handler.
- type -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- The type of the handler (request or response).
- type -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- The type of an event.
- type -
Variable in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- The type of the handler (either the name of a custom handler, or a
standard handler).
- type -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.TrimTag
- This is the trim type attribute.
- type -
Variable in class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.SubstrTag
- This is the trim type attribute.
- UCaseTag - class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.UCaseTag.
- This class is a custom tag that upper-cases a string.
- UCaseTag() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.taglib.basicstr.UCaseTag
- unregisterSession(ServletContext, String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.listener.SessionLimiterListenerHelper
- Unregisters a session.
- updateDependency(String, Object, ServletRequest) -
Static method in class javawebparts.filter.DependencyFilter
- This method is called by client code to update a dependent object.
- updatePageScopeVars(String, PageContext, AjaxGroup, AjaxElement) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method updates the two page-scope collections that is built up as
event, manual and timer tags are encountered and which store all the
ajaxREFs and handlers (request, response oe error) encountered on the JSP.
- URLRedirectFilter - class javawebparts.filter.URLRedirectFilter.
- This filter allows you to redirect incoming requests to another URL based
on requested URL.
- URLRedirectFilter() -
Constructor for class javawebparts.filter.URLRedirectFilter
- validate() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxResponseHandler
- This method is called when the object is frozen to ensure it is configured
in a legal way.
- validate() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxRequestHandler
- This method is called when the object is frozen to ensure it is configured
in a legal way.
- validate() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxHandlerConfig
- This method is called when the object is frozen to ensure it is configured
in a legal way.
- validate() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxGroup
- This method is called when the object is frozen to ensure it is configured
in a legal way.
- validate() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxEvent
- This method is called when the object is frozen to ensure it is configured
in a legal way.
- validate() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxErrorHandler
- This method is called when the object is frozen to ensure it is configured
in a legal way.
- validate() -
Method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxElement
- This method is called when the object is frozen to ensure it is configured
in a legal way.
- validate() -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.config.AjaxConfig
- This method is called when the object is frozen to ensure it is configured
in a legal way.
- validateAjaxRef(String) -
Static method in class javawebparts.ajaxparts.taglib.AjaxUtils
- This method validates that a string purported to be an ajaxRef is in
the form xxxx/yyyy.
- value -
Variable in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap.KeyAndValue
- values() -
Method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Returns a collection view of the values contained in this map.
- wednesdayEnd -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The end of the time window the app is available during on Wednesday.
- wednesdayStart -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.AppAvailabilityFilter
- The start of the time window the app is available during on Wednesday.
- whyFailed() -
Method in class javawebparts.context.ContextSize
- When getContextSize() returns -1, this method can be called to retrieve
the collection of reasons it failed.
- whyFailed() -
Method in class javawebparts.session.SessionSize
- When getSessionSize() returns -1, this method can be called to retrieve
the collection of reasons it failed.
- wrapExistingMap(Map) -
Static method in class javawebparts.core.CaseInsensitiveMap
- Wrap an existing map and make it case-insensitive.
- write(byte[]) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResStream
- Writes a byte array to the output stream.
- write(byte[], int, int) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResStream
- Writes a byte array to the output stream.
- write(int) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResStream
- Writes a single byte to the output stream.
- write(int) -
Method in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResStream
- Writes a single byte to the output stream.
- writeToFile(String, String[], boolean) -
Static method in class javawebparts.core.JWPHelpers
- Write an array of lines out to file a file, overwriting the file if it
already exists.
- wrtr -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.JSCompressionResWrapper
- PrintWriter used for writing.
- wrtr -
Variable in class javawebparts.filter.CompressionResWrapper
- PrintWriter used for writing.
Copyright © 2005 Frank W. Zammetti